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About Us

About Us

Hi, My name is Manoj Borah belong from the small village of Assam Tezpur. I have completed my electronics diploma (TIE) Technical Institute of Electronics from Tezpur Assam. I learned electronics in Technical Institute because I am very loved and interested to knowing about electronics very closely. After completing my diploma I work on DTH company Tata sky as a service engineer. After working 2 years on tata sky I change my job to Videocon D2h where I work lcd tv repairing mainly d2h inbuilt lcd tvs. After two years again change my job to LG service and now work on LG, MI, SANSUI, IBOL, RECONECT service. And I have my own small shop where repairing led lcd tv and various type of electronics product. As well as I stared an youtube channel (electrowide) where shared my whole life electronics knowledge and experience. After 6 month of youtubing I start a blog site in July 2020 during the lock down period. This blog site I share my electronics repairing techniques and experiences that I learn from my whole life, still I am learning electronics and attended skill development training from the companies where I am working about new features with repairing technices. Now a days I spend maximum time with repairing on electronics product, like led lcd tv various type of electronics product etc. As well as I also make led lcd repairing related videos for my youtube channel and write articles for blog sites. I think you get all information of me and electrowide, still if you have any questions about me and electrowide you can contact me through this email electrowide4@gmail.com

About this blog

Electrowide is an electronics product repairing and technical supporting website. Electrowide is by Technician Mr. Manoj Borah who develop a blog where we have provide you many type of led lcd tv repairing related tips and tricks, and we are provideĀ  Smart and Non smart led lcd tv software free for help of repairing your led lcd tv. And we are provide various electronics module details and installation process also which help you evolve your knowledge of repairing.  

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