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LM2596 Dc To Dc Buck converter


LM2596 dc to dc buck converter is one of the best electronic variable output modules. We can use this converter in different types of electronic devices for repairing the product.
When we have to fix a bad electronics device then the different voltage is required in different devices. Normally, we used a variety of circuits to reduce any dc voltage to the appropriate voltage. When there was a problem with those components and the small regulator ic was damaged, we used a dc to dc module (dc to dc buck converter).for required the voltage. Uses of LM 2596 buck converter module, all about and requirement of this module are discussed below.
LM2596 Dc To Dc Buck converter

LM2596 dc to dc buck converter

Basically Led Lcd tv are run in different range voltage 1.2v,1.5v,2.5v,3.3v,5v,12v up to 32 volt used in circuit for various section. With the LM2596 dc to dc buck converter circuit, we used if any voltage missing in a circuit. Some of the time defective products missing voltage regenerate by repaired or re-install defective spare parts in the origin circuit. when we have not available this kind of spare then we used the LM2596 module for the required voltage give our circuit.

Introduction of LM2596 module

The LM2596 phase down module’s 3A current rating is well-known. It comes in a variety of variants with fixed output voltages such as 3.3V, 5V, and 12V. But, the most famous one is the LM2596-ADJ which has variable output voltage easy to install. The LM2596 phase-down buck converter accepts an input voltage and controls it using the internal switching circuit at a switching frequency of 150 kHz. It has built-in thermal shutdown and current limit features, as well as a high-efficiency rating. If you’re looking for a lightweight, high-package, easy-to-use high-current buck converter IC, the LM2596 could be a good choice.

Specification of this LM2596 module

  1. This module has Input voltage: The input voltage range is 3 volt-40volt.
  2. This module has Output voltage: 1.5-35V(Adjustable)
  3. Output current: Rated current is 2A, maximum range 3A
  4. Switching Frequency: 150KHz
  5. Normal Operating temperature: Industrial grade (-40 to +55 )
  6. Normal Conversion efficiency: 92%(highest)

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