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Hi, LED LCD TV service personal today I am giving you one of the best ways to known your LED TVs motherboard VS.TP53u73.2 Service Code. This service menu gives you access and control over your LED television’s advanced settings. In general, all LED LCD TV  Service menu is hidden by the manufacturer so that the user may not change the internal advanced setting. You can set the advanced settings in your LED LCD TV using the service mode of your LED TV. In this post, I will give you particulars of these PCB service menu codes. If you want to change any settings on your tv this is the right platform given by electrowide for you. The particular of this motherboard is given below for your better knowledge.

Content of this post
1.Basic information of this combo board
2.The various problem which may occur with this  mother board
5.Service menu optional

Basic information of this combo board :

Model no: VS.TP53U73.2

Screen type: LED LCD

Resolution: Max 1920×1080

Power consumption: 35 watt

Voltage source: 90-240 volt~ 50 Hz/60 Hz

Backlight voltage: 40 to 72 volt

USB Port: Available two USB ports. By this, we can connect two pen drives at a time. We can also upload the on-screen logo of this particular tv through a pen drive.

Features: Non-smart we can’t connect other wireless and wired network to this motherboard. But we can connect wireless networks through anycast type of device.

VGA: Available

Panel support: Comfortable for 5 volt and 12-volt panels.

The various problem which may occur with this  motherboard:

  • blank screen ( maybe backlight problem or panel issue or mainboard defect)
  • power indicator(RED) continuously glowing (firmware or hardware problem)
  • Burn mode (switched off the tv by removing the AC cord then pressing the standby button of the Tv for five seconds then to connect Ac cord then it will restart the tv. The problem will be solved if not than to update firmware )
  • Mirror mode
  • Remote issue
  • Auto Restart
  • AV/HDMI Input option hide from display
  • This board may be changed by entering the service code no. if there is a mapping problem or some other environment.


Friends we can change VS.TP53U73.2 Universal Combo boards resolution by entering the resolution code number of particular PCBs original remote. This board is work only two resolution 1920×1080 FHD and 1366×768 HD. FHD Resolution press INPUT 31182 enter on your remote and HD Resolution is INPUT 31181. For further information on this resolution code tap here


  1. Input 208
  2. Input 2580,
  3. Menu 2580, Input 815

Service menu optional :

When you enter the service menu and custom settings on your TV during the times when you can’t adjust any setting and your TV won’t return to regular mode, you should upgrade the firmware on this board and re-set your board to your preferences. Click here to get this board’s software. And you can also see this board practical tutorial video.

Disclaimer: Electrowide is not responsible for any data loss or product harm that occurs during the software installation process. If you are new to the technical field, we suggest that you do not attempt to open this secret service mode.

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