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Hello guys today I am giving you the one best way to download the software of all LED LCD TV.Today I will give you the most popular Led TV MICROMAX 43Z0666FHD mother board number TP.V56.PB801  All Software Download link for free with one click. You can download TP.V56.PB801 this mother board software easily from bellow link. If you are looking to get and download the software of this mother board this is the right platform for you



The following issue of this model: 43Z0666FHD

  1.    Blank screen
  2.    Power indicator (RED) continuously Glow.
  3.    Burn mode
  4.    Mirror Mode
  5.    Remote issue                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Here I will share all the LED LCD TV software and firmware and flash file for free of cost. If you want to get any LED LCD TV model software on this site. If you need any other software of LED LCD TV just type TV model number on the search box, which at the top right corner of this site.If did not get your particular TV models software on search box then requesting you to comment in bellow comment box for getting software of other model of LED LCD TV.At your one request I will upload your LED LCD TV models software as soon as possible. So please stay continue with this site.In previous upload post , I have already discuss with you how can download and install LED LCD TV software.For easily downloading of software I again mention bellow of this mother board software downloading process.


    Brand: Micromax

    Model no: 43Z0666FHD

    Model no of pcb: TP.V56.PB801

    Panel support: 12volt DC

    Supported Resolution: Max 1366X768 ,1920X1080

    4K support: Not supported 4k in this combo board

    USB port: Firmware upgrade and multimedia playback supported

    HDMI port: yes

    Screen type: LED

    Mirror Option: available

    Back light adjustment: available

    RF: Yes

    Audio output socket: Yes

    Features Format: Not supported

    Power requirement: AC 110 to 240 volt

    Power consumption: 70 watt

    Backlight Output: 60 volts to 110 volt

    Factory Service menu code: Menu 1147

    How to Install Firmware:

    1. Download The Firmware file and Extract it.
    2. From the folder Copy/Cut the extracted file to Pen drive.
    3. Plug the pen drive into the TV (Make sure the power plug is unplugged).
    4. After Install Completed Remove the Power Plug and then Remove Pen Drive and Restart.
    5. For the software installation process use also RT809F/H programmer.

    Download the HD Firmware resolution 1366×768 –  Click Here                              Download the FHD Firmware resolution 1920×1080-  Click Here

    Disclaimer: If you suffer any kind of data loss or product damage during the installation process of software, electrowide does not responsible for that.

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