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TP.V56.PA671 Service Menu Code

TP.V56.PA671 Service Menu Code

Friends, when we repair any led Lcd TV, every TV has different faults. Most TVs have a hardware problem, so we replaced the defective spare part of the TV at the time. And we do this kind of TV modification and repair on circuit demand. However, such a problem may arise when, after removing the defective spare part, the set is no longer fine to watch. After completing all of the other tasks, there is one last step that must be performed by remote entering the service menu code specific to this TV/circuit model PCB. Any internal advanced setting on the TV helps us changed using the service menu code. In this article, I will include the TP.V56.PA671 Service Menu Code for this motherboard.


Table of the content
1.Basic information of this combo board.
2.The following issue of this mother board.
3.TP.V56.PA671 Service Menu Code.
4.How can you open the service menu on your tvs.
5.TP.V56.PA671 Service Menu Code.
6.TP.V56.PA671 related video.

Basic information of this combo board :

Model no: TP.V56.PA671

Screen type: LED LCD

Resolution: Max 1920×1080

Power consumption: According to the led TVs panel maximum of 35 watts consume.

Power source: 90-240 volt~ 50 Hz/60 Hz

Backlight voltage: 28 to 52

USB Port: Available on this board.

Features: Non-smart.

VGA: Available

The universal motherboard can support both 5 volt and 12-volt panels.

The following issue of this motherboard:

  • blank screen: Blank screen or no display problem not solved by entering service menu.
  • power indicator(RED) continuously glowing: This problem is not solved by entering the service menu due to the set is not start only in standby mode condition.
  • Burn mode: Burn mode problem can’t solve with remote by entering the service menu code. Du to burn mode situation remote not working on set. For repairing burn mode we have two options, First is – Led Lcd TVs disconnect from the main ac power socket, after press continuously panel key power button of led Lcd TVs and switch on your main ac power on switch board. After five seconds tv will restart and set is the normal mode. The second option is: When the first process is not working on any set then you upgrade the circuit’s latest firmware and ready to watch the tv. However, if you try both options and then check the motherboard and led Lcd panel one by one, you might have a problem.
  • Mirror mode: The mirror mode problem can be fixed by remote entering the service menu code. After opening the service menu page goes to panel setting and mirror mode on/off ok.
  • Remote issue: This fault is not possible to repair by service menu due to the remote is not working in this condition. Upgrade the PCBs firmware for solving this problem.
  • Auto Restart: Upgrade firmware
  • AV/HDMI Input option hide: Possible to not hide this AV HDMI mode under the input/source menu bar to entering the service menu.
  • This universal board’s mapping problem, as well as any other setting-related issues, may require it to enter the service menu.

TP.V56.PA671 Service Menu Code :

Menu 1147

How can you open the service menu on your TVs

  1. Take the original remote of the motherboard first.
  2. Press the menu button on your remote
  3. Now press 1,1,4 and 7 on your remote sequence.
    4. This service menu popup appears on the TV screen after pressing the code.

TP.V56.PA671 Service Menu Code :

If you enter the service menu by using code and personalized settings on your led TV during these times and your led Lcd tv does not return to normal/previous mode, you can upgrade the firmware of this universal combo board and re-set your board to your preference. Click here to get the firmware for this universal board (Here)

TP.V56.PA671 Related Video:

Disclaimer: If you are new to this or you have no knowledge about the technical field, we recommend that you do not attempt to open the secret service mode on your LED LCD television.

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